The Massachusetts Black Judges Conference (MBJC) was founded in 1977 to represent the interests of African American judges in Massachusetts. The MBJC sponsors an annual Book Award program, which recognizes outstanding African American law students in Massachusetts. It also advocates on behalf of the African American judiciary in public forums.
MORE ABOUT PARTICIPATION African American Judges in Massachusetts

The Honorable George Lewis Ruffin

The Honorable G. Bruce Robinson

The Honorable Edward O. Gourdin

The Honorable David S. Nelson

The Honorable Harry J. Elam, Sr.

The Honorable Margaret A. Burnham

The Honorable Roderick Ireland

The Honorable Barbara A. Dortch-Okara
- The Honorable Edward O. Gourdin was the first African American to serve on the Superior Court.
- The Honorable Harry J. Elam was the first African American Chief Justice to serve on the Boston Municipal Court.
- The Honorable Frederick Brown was the first African American appointed to the Massachusetts Appeals Court.
- The Honorable Judith Nelson Dilday was the first African American appointed to the Massachusetts Probate Court.
- The Honorable Joyce London Alexander was the first African American woman appointed a Chief Magistrate Judge in the United States District Court.
- The Honorable Roderick L. Ireland, was the first African American Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court.
- The Honorable Geraldine S. Hines was the first African American woman to serve on the Supreme Judicial Court.
- The Honorable Barbara Dortch-Okara was the first African American Chief Justice for Administration and Management of the Trial Court.
- The Honorable Margaret A. Burnham was the first African American woman appointed to the Massachusetts judiciary.
- The Honorable O. Rogeriee Thompson was the first African American to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
- The Honorable David S. Nelson was the first African American to serve on the United States District Court of Massachusetts.
- The Honorable Denise J. Casper was appointed by President Barack Obama as the first African American woman to sit on the United States District Court of Massachusetts.

The Honorable Ojetta Rogeriee Thompson

The Honorable Reginald Lindsay

The Honorable Geraldine S. Hines